Mission and goals

    SP LLC «Composite structures» was founded to:

  • Create a center of competences in the field of composites, combining industrial factory and research and engineering center in a single project.
  • Offer to the mass consumer all the advantages of composites, at the same time reduce prices relative to traditional solutions.
  • Achieve maximum functionality of products due to the correct choice of materials and their structure management with the help of modern technologies.
  • Reduce consumer costs at all stages of engineering: from production to operation.
  • Develop competences in the advanced field of materials science. To attract and implement promising scientific developments.
  • Growing demand for composite materials.
  • The appearance of promising technologies for serial production of composite products with unique properties.
  • Logistic advantages, tax preferences, special legal regime of the China-Belarus Industrial Park «Great Stone».
  • More
R&D Center
The research center (R&D center) includes a pilot-scale production, research laboratory and engineering department and carries out a full range of applied researches in the development and practical application of products from composite materials, as well as the commercialization of technologies and education / advanced training.
Factory is an industrial enterprise that manufactures products from polymer composites using all modern compression moulding technologies that are known and used in world practice. The company is primarily focused on the production of products for the transportation engineering industry, but at the same time it will also produce consumer goods - suitcases, kitchen sinks, washing machines cases and units, roofing elements and others. Area of land plot under buildings and facilities is 10.2 ha, floor area of premises of Phase I - 25000 m², of entire project – 35000 m².
The newly created enterprise is located on the territory of

the China-Belarus Industrial Park «Great Stone»

Composites market and project production capacity
World composites market assessment
Composites consumption in transportation engineering
Substitution of traditional materials in the automotive industry
Composites market and project production capacity
tons per year
World consumption
tons per year
Russia consumption
tons per year
Entire project volume of production
tons per year
Phase I volume of production
World average annual growth rate
World composites market assessment
(bil. EUR)
Composites consumption in transportation engineering
(bil. USD, Source: WSS 2013)
Substitution of traditional materials in the automotive industry
(%, Source: Forward Engineering)
The appearance of promising technologies

Composite technologies

are known not for the first day, but so far have been based on expensive, mostly manual labor. Sustainable high quality of finished products has always been in question. The long-term collaboration of our partners, Dieffenbacher and the Fraunhofer ICT (Institute for Chemical Technology), allowed us to solve these problems.

The compression moulding processes developed by them give unsurpassed mechanical properties unattainable in classical composite technologies. Supporting equipment of automation and robotization can maintain sustainable high quality from the first item to the million one. As a result we have an opportunity to give our mass consumer, including the industrial one, all the advantages of composites, and at the same time reduce prices relative to traditional solutions.

Through the efforts of our partners, these technologies will appear for the first time in the territory of the CIS countries. German Export Control Agency (BAFA) granted permission to transfer them to our company.
Location benefits
R&D center functions
Pilot production, technological processes adjustment
  • Production of pilot batches and serial production launch
  • Testing new materials in industrial conditions
  • Development and optimization of parameters of technological processes and toolings
  • Implementation of advanced researches of scientific organizations and scientists into production
  • Production of non-serial types of products
  • Studies of the full range of

    composite materials and their components properties

  • Selection of components and development of new formulations of composite materials under customer requirements
  • Search and evaluation of promising areas of materials science development
  • Performing research within scientific programs and works
  • Modeling the

    structure and properties of composite materials in products

  • Development and optimization of product design
  • Modeling and optimization of process parameters
  • Development of toolings
  • Full cycle of product engineering according to customer’s specifications
  • Experimental testing of technical and technological solutions in the framework of production
  • Selection of technological solutions and equipment
  • "Turnkey" design of enterprises and production sites under the requirements of the customer
  • Training, professional development
R&D center features
A single center of competences for all stages of the product life cycle - materials, design, engineering, pilot production, testing, production, support and maintenance. Goals
  • Building-up of independence from borrowed knowledge.
  • Attracting and testing unrealized ideas in the field of materials and technologies from all over the CIS.
  • Organizing bilateral knowledge sharing: the ability to test a hypothesis and test an idea for an engineer or a scientist. Providing knowledge of the Center to interested customers and institutions.
  • Development of the

    material science

    school, which adopts the experience of partners (ICT, KIT) and increases its competence on the basis of domestic developments.
  • Consultations with leading world experts.
  • Partnership with educational and scientific institutions of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Western Europe.
  • Partnership with highly qualified engineering companies.
  • Training and professional development of subject matter experts.
  • Organization of the rapid transition from pilot production to serial.
  • Laboratory equipment provides a measure of all

    parameters of composite materials and products from them

  • Experimental industrial equipment reproduces all the processes implemented at the plant.
  • The use of ultra-modern computing platforms, CAE, CAD, CAO systems.
Production technologies

SMC technology

– sheet material (prepreg) moulding in a heated equipment.
Production of specific products with high strength, rigidity and surface quality with possible subsequent painting: bumpers, air deflectors, door elements, facing, mud flaps, side panels, steps, cabin body components, internal cabin elements.
– sheet material (prepreg) moulding in a heated equipment.
In addition to SMC, D-SMC technology is used for prepreg production. This helps to avoid unnecessary logistic costs and provides flexibility in receipes.
- direct moulding from thermoplastic polymers.
Production of products with a complex surface configuration from compositions based on thermoplastic polymers with medium strength and rigidity, but high viscous parameters and high resistance to all types of aggressive environment: protective housings, panels, covers, partitions, mud flaps, dashboards and others.
- creation of plain structures on the basis of thermoplastic polymer tapes unidirectionally reinforced by glass or carbon fiber. It is designed for placement of stacks (Fiberforge) with further manufacture of laminate (Fibercon).
Formation of reinforced structures for use as embedded elements in the LFT-D technology. In this case, the randomly reinforced LFT mass is combined with the structure of unidirectional tapes to ensure equal strength throughout the entire product. The combination is carried out in a heated state, the laminate is preheated using an IR-oven integrated into the LFT-D line.
Independent moulding of products from pre-heated laminate is possible on any main technological line. Products have low density and high strength and rigidity characteristics.
– impregnation of packages formed in the desired geometric shape from unidirectional or multiaxially oriented woven or nonwoven materials under pressure.
Manufacturing of products with a complex surface configuration and material structure with high strength and rigidity specific characteristics, high surface quality, resistance to all types of corrosive environment effects: highly loaded parts, elements of body-in-white and others.
- impregnation of packages with relatively simple geometry without preliminary laying of unidirectional or multiaxially oriented woven or nonwoven materials under pressure.
Manufacturing of products with a relatively simple surface configuration and material structure with high strength and rigidity specific characteristics, high surface quality, resistance to all types of corrosive environment effects: highly loaded parts, elements of body-in-white and others.
Also our factory provides auxiliary technologies - bonding, filling with foam, milling.
Factory features
The unique combination of equipment with no equivalent in the world, representing all

high-performance composite technologies

, auxiliary technologies and post-processing. Opportunities
  • Factory can be easily scaled and production capacity can be rapidly increased at the market request.
  • Unlimited product range from simple to complex, from decorative elements to highly loaded structural parts.
  • Extremely short production time of one part (30 - 240 seconds) with a size of up to 2000mm x 3000mm. The sub-assemblies size is almost unlimited.
  • Flexibility and high production efficiency due to 95% robotization and automation of each production division, and the unique organization of the production chain. Only the necessary steps of each product manufacturing are realized.
  • Is able to work with the widest range of matrix and reinforcing materials, both existing and being developed.
  • Is balanced in set, therefore it provides optimal workload both for the manufacturing of a complex product, and for unrelated components and parts and consumer goods.
  • Is reliable thanks to 150 years of experience from Dieffenbacher manufacturing company.
Auxiliary technologies
  • Unique local reinforcement technology with continuous FiberForge/FiberCon tapes, complementes proprietary LFT-D technology and gives a 30% -40% improvement in mechanical performance without the product weight increase.
  • Own production of SMC prepreg of any required formulation in the rapid maturation mode. As a result, full provision of production with own raw materials, multiple decrease in logistic costs and flexibility in properties management.
  • Milling, bonding, filling with foam provide the ability to manufacture both simple products and complex ones.
Logistic advantages
from National Airport Minsk
from highway М-1/Е-36 «Moscow-Berlin»
from Minsk
Benefits and preferences
Income tax 10 years after the first gain of profit
Dividend tax 5 years from the first year of dividend accrual
Property tax Until 2062
Land tax Until 2062
VAT and duties
Royalty tax Until 2027
Income tax Reduced rate for next 10 years
Income tax
FSZN (National Social Security Fund) From national average salary
Umbrella investor protection
No control inspections
No currency control
10 years
Stabilization clause for activity conditions non-deterioration
180 days
Visa free regime at the Park Administration request
Special conditions
Simplified procedure for acceptance of constructed facilities commissioning
Further improvement of Park legislation