Career at «Composite structures»

The researches center (R&D center)

includes a pilot-scale production, research laboratory and engineering department and carries out a full range of applied research in the development and practical application of products from composite materials, as well as the commercialization of technologies and education / advanced training.


is an industrial enterprise that manufactures products from polymer composites using all advanced compression moulding technologies that are known and used in world practice. The company is primarily focused on the production of products for the transportation engineering industry, but at the same time it will also produce consumer goods - suitcases, kitchen sinks, washing machines cases and units, roofing elements and others.
For now there are no open vacancies in the Company.
Chief Process Engineer
This position is crucial for production process and requires a deep understanding of working with composites. Also the serial production launch experience is important. We need an understanding of a modern enterprise performance, relevant management tools and the ability to establish and maintain communications with related services.
Primary requirements:
  • higher technical education in the field of technologies for processing materials into products (processing of polymers, composite materials, woodworking, metalworking, etc.)
  • experience in serial production launch of new technologies and development of production of complex technical and innovative products
  • analytical mind, the ability to plan and organize work with company employees and partners
Main responsibilities:
  • management of the organization and planning of new workshops and production divisions, of the production capacity and equipment loading calculations
  • planning and organization of processes for the development and implementation of new materials, products, technological processes, equipment and modes of production of polymer composite materials
  • management of the development and amendments of design documentation, organization of control over its provision to workshops, production divisions and other units of the enterprise
  • approval of changes to design documentation in case of the changes in technological processes and production modes

Primary requirements:
Main responsibilities:

Primary requirements:
Main responsibilities: